Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Eyed You - a poem

I eyed you,
long before the sun came out.
I used to shut if off;
I refuse to fall for one who's square.

Until you colored my view,
and showed me your true hue.
Solid as the rainbow;
sparkly like the stars.

I eyed you again;
My fondness of you grows.
My likeness strengthens;
The endearment deepens.

I eyed you still,
but not exactly by choice.
I never had options - it just happened;
it was mere repressed prior.

I am almost want of inhibitions,
but fear discloses twin things:
the possibility of mismatch;
the reality of training.

I eye you nonetheless;
But for how long in silence?
Please help me;
I am in pain.


03 August 2010; 8:57am

Warning:  This poem is the intellectual property of the author.  Unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited. All rights reserved.

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